​4 Days / 3 Nights - Departures: March - December 2024

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13 Sep 2024, Friday

16 Sep 2024, Monday

14 Sep 2024, Saturday

17 Sep 2024, Tuesday

15 Sep 2024, Sunday

18 Sep 2024, Wednesday

16 Sep 2024, Monday

19 Sep 2024, Thursday

17 Sep 2024, Tuesday

20 Sep 2024, Friday

18 Sep 2024, Wednesday

21 Sep 2024, Saturday

19 Sep 2024, Thursday

22 Sep 2024, Sunday

20 Sep 2024, Friday

23 Sep 2024, Monday

21 Sep 2024, Saturday

24 Sep 2024, Tuesday

22 Sep 2024, Sunday

25 Sep 2024, Wednesday

23 Sep 2024, Monday

26 Sep 2024, Thursday

24 Sep 2024, Tuesday

27 Sep 2024, Friday

25 Sep 2024, Wednesday

28 Sep 2024, Saturday

26 Sep 2024, Thursday

29 Sep 2024, Sunday

27 Sep 2024, Friday

30 Sep 2024, Monday

28 Sep 2024, Saturday

01 Oct 2024, Tuesday

29 Sep 2024, Sunday

02 Oct 2024, Wednesday

30 Sep 2024, Monday

03 Oct 2024, Thursday

13 Oct 2024, Sunday

16 Oct 2024, Wednesday

14 Oct 2024, Monday

17 Oct 2024, Thursday

15 Oct 2024, Tuesday

18 Oct 2024, Friday

16 Oct 2024, Wednesday

19 Oct 2024, Saturday

17 Oct 2024, Thursday

20 Oct 2024, Sunday

18 Oct 2024, Friday

21 Oct 2024, Monday

19 Oct 2024, Saturday

22 Oct 2024, Tuesday

20 Oct 2024, Sunday

23 Oct 2024, Wednesday

21 Oct 2024, Monday

24 Oct 2024, Thursday

22 Oct 2024, Tuesday

25 Oct 2024, Friday

23 Oct 2024, Wednesday

26 Oct 2024, Saturday

24 Oct 2024, Thursday

27 Oct 2024, Sunday

25 Oct 2024, Friday

28 Oct 2024, Monday

26 Oct 2024, Saturday

29 Oct 2024, Tuesday

27 Oct 2024, Sunday

30 Oct 2024, Wednesday

28 Oct 2024, Monday

31 Oct 2024, Thursday

29 Oct 2024, Tuesday

01 Nov 2024, Friday

30 Oct 2024, Wednesday

02 Nov 2024, Saturday

31 Oct 2024, Thursday

03 Nov 2024, Sunday

13 Nov 2024, Wednesday

16 Nov 2024, Saturday

14 Nov 2024, Thursday

17 Nov 2024, Sunday

15 Nov 2024, Friday

18 Nov 2024, Monday

16 Nov 2024, Saturday

19 Nov 2024, Tuesday

17 Nov 2024, Sunday

20 Nov 2024, Wednesday

18 Nov 2024, Monday

21 Nov 2024, Thursday

19 Nov 2024, Tuesday

22 Nov 2024, Friday

20 Nov 2024, Wednesday

23 Nov 2024, Saturday

21 Nov 2024, Thursday

24 Nov 2024, Sunday

22 Nov 2024, Friday

25 Nov 2024, Monday

23 Nov 2024, Saturday

26 Nov 2024, Tuesday

24 Nov 2024, Sunday

27 Nov 2024, Wednesday

25 Nov 2024, Monday

28 Nov 2024, Thursday

26 Nov 2024, Tuesday

29 Nov 2024, Friday

27 Nov 2024, Wednesday

30 Nov 2024, Saturday

28 Nov 2024, Thursday

01 Dec 2024, Sunday

29 Nov 2024, Friday

02 Dec 2024, Monday

30 Nov 2024, Saturday

03 Dec 2024, Tuesday

13 Dec 2024, Friday

16 Dec 2024, Monday

14 Dec 2024, Saturday

17 Dec 2024, Tuesday

15 Dec 2024, Sunday

18 Dec 2024, Wednesday

16 Dec 2024, Monday

19 Dec 2024, Thursday

17 Dec 2024, Tuesday

20 Dec 2024, Friday

18 Dec 2024, Wednesday

21 Dec 2024, Saturday

19 Dec 2024, Thursday

22 Dec 2024, Sunday

20 Dec 2024, Friday

23 Dec 2024, Monday

21 Dec 2024, Saturday

24 Dec 2024, Tuesday

22 Dec 2024, Sunday

25 Dec 2024, Wednesday

23 Dec 2024, Monday

26 Dec 2024, Thursday

24 Dec 2024, Tuesday

27 Dec 2024, Friday

25 Dec 2024, Wednesday

28 Dec 2024, Saturday

26 Dec 2024, Thursday

29 Dec 2024, Sunday

27 Dec 2024, Friday

30 Dec 2024, Monday

28 Dec 2024, Saturday

31 Dec 2024, Tuesday

29 Dec 2024, Sunday

01 Jan 2025, Wednesday

30 Dec 2024, Monday

02 Jan 2025, Thursday

31 Dec 2024, Tuesday

03 Jan 2025, Friday

Items of the products
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Day 1: Cuzco - Chicquisqa, Peru

Departure Time: 05:00 hrs

Depart Cuzco and camp at Chicquisqa (1836m)

We depart Cuzco around 5:00 am in a private car. If there is time, we will visit the archaeological site of Saywite before descending to the mountain village of Cachora (2909m), a last-minute opportunity to buy supplies. After lunch, it is a 2-hour hike to Capuliyoc (2915m) from where we have our first beautiful views of the Apurimac valley stretching below as well as the snow-capped peaks of Padrayoc and Wayna Cachora.

Meals: L, D

Day 2: Chicquisqa - Choquequirao, Peru

Hike to Choquequirao archaeological site (3110m)

After an early departure, we descend to Playa Rosalina and the magnificent Apurimac River (1550m) about 1 hour of hiking where we begin our steep climb to Santa Rosa (2095m). Here we can take a refreshing break, rest and buy water. Then we continue upwards, towards Marampata (2913m), a plateau where we will eat lunch and rest enjoying a splendid view of Choquequirao. After lunch, we will hike for about 2 more hours to reach the archaeological site of Choquequirao (3110m) where we will spend the evening exploring the site and watching condors fly overhead at sunset.

Meals: B, L, D

Day 3: Choquequirao - Santa Rosa, Peru

Explore Choquequirao archaeological site and hike down to Santa Rosa (2095m)

Today, we will have a chance to explore the Inca site more in-depth and with some free time to rest in the morning. In the afternoon we return along the edge of the Apurimac canyon, descending to our tropical campsite at Santa Rosa.

Hiking time: 5 hours

Meals: B, L, D

Day 4: Santa Rosa - Cuzco, Peru

Hike to Cachora village and return to Cuzco

Early in the morning, in order to escape the heat of the Apurimac Canyon, we descend to the raging river and then begin an arduous climb that is rewarded with spectacular views. We climb for about four hours and have lunch in Capuliyoc (2915m). The final two hours of our hike we will continue the trail into the village of Cachora along a refreshingly flat and picturesque trail through the pretty farming countryside where our private car will be waiting to take us back to Cuzco (4-hour drive). We will arrive in Cuzco between 7 or 8 pm.

Meals: B

  • 3 Nights Accommodation Hostel And Camping In Tents
  • 3 Breakfasts, 3 Lunches, 3 Dinners
  • Choquequirao Entrance Fee
  • Horses To Carry Cooking And Camping Equipment
  • Tent For 2 People With Foam Sleeping Mat + First Aid Kit & Emergency Oxygen Bottle
  • Cuzco Accommodation Pick-up + Round Trip Tourist Bus Cuzco - Cachora (Starting Point Of Trek)
  • Professional English/spanish/quechua Speaking Guide

  • Airport pick-up/drop-off (please make your own way)
  • Day 1 meals, day 2 breakfast, day 5 lunch & dinner
  • Sleeping bag (rental $15 USD for the trek)
  • Bottled water
  • Tips: we recommend each trekker to give 50 soles per guide, 30 soles per horseman and 40 soles per cook (this recommended amount is optional and ultimately your decision, depending on the service you received. Please keep in mind that tipping is common in Latin America and would be greatly appreciated by the hard-working team of horsemen, cooks and guides.)
  • Anything not mentioned in inclusions

Terms and conditions apply.  Subject to change and availability.  Prices are per person twin share and subject to currency fluctuation.